Results for "Scoppola"

UK vs ECtHR: The Prisoner Voting Saga Continues

UK vs ECtHR: The Prisoner Voting Saga Continues

...Grand Chamber judgments in Hirst (no. 2) and Scoppola (no. 3). Notably, in EP elections, the UK’s disenfranchisement practices also affect the right to vote of EU nationals serving sentences...
Prisoners’ Voting Rights: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Prisoners’ Voting Rights: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

...the British position as to prompt one commentator to state that the ruling ‘more or less gutted’ Hirst (ed’s note: see our coverage on Scoppola here). Scoppola makes it clear...
Prisoners' Voting Rights: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Prisoners' Voting Rights: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

...the British position as to prompt one commentator to state that the ruling ‘more or less gutted’ Hirst (ed’s note: see our coverage on Scoppola here). Scoppola makes it clear...
SCOPPOLA v. ITALY (No. 3): A Step Backwards

SCOPPOLA v. ITALY (No. 3): A Step Backwards

In her recent post, Natasha Holcroft-Emmess critiques the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber (GC) judgment in Scoppola (no. 3); she rightly notes that the GC has taken a...
Scoppola v Italy (No. 3): Getting Prisoner Voting Right?

Scoppola v Italy (No. 3): Getting Prisoner Voting Right?

In Scoppola v Italy (No. 3) (Application no. 126/05, 22 May 2012) the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights once again engaged with the vexed issue of...

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