
Content by Author

New book: ‘Positive Freedom and the Law’ by Kim Treiger-Bar-Am

New book: ‘Positive Freedom and the Law’ by Kim Treiger-Bar-Am

Freedom is not only a right to be left alone. The book explores how Kantian philosophy and Jewish thought instead give rise to a concept of positive freedom, whereby freedom is inextricably linked to theobligation to respect the ...
Second issue of the Tamil Nadu National Law University’s online journal available now

Second issue of the Tamil Nadu National Law University’s online journal available now

The Tamil Nadu National Law University (TNNLU) is happy to announce that the second issue of its online journal, the TNNLU Law Review, has been published and is available here. The issue includes special articles from the ...
Bob Hepple Equality Award Ceremony – Thursday 12th September 2019, London

Bob Hepple Equality Award Ceremony – Thursday 12th September 2019, London

The Equal Rights Trust is delighted to announce that the award ceremony for the fifth annual Bob Hepple Equality Award will take place at 6.30pm on Thursday 12th September 2019 at Doughty Street Chambers in London. The Bob Hepple ...
U of OxHRH J Call for Submissions-Taking Stock: Ten Years of the Equality Act 2010

U of OxHRH J Call for Submissions-Taking Stock: Ten Years of the Equality Act 2010

In 2020, the Equality Act 2010 (EA) celebrates its ten-year anniversary. The UK courts have built up an extensive body of jurisprudence critically engaging with the provisions of the Act and its contribution to the right to equality. ...
**NEW** U of OxHRH J Article-‘Any Act, Any Harm, To Anyone: The Transformative Potential of “Human Rights Impacts” Under the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights’

**NEW** U of OxHRH J Article-‘Any Act, Any Harm, To Anyone: The Transformative Potential of “Human Rights Impacts” Under the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights’

David Birchall, 'Any Act, Any Harm, To Anyone: The Transformative Potential of "Human rights Impacts" Under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights' (2019) U of OxHRH J 120 Abstract The concept of ‘adverse human ...
New book – Authoritarian Constitutionalism: Comparative Analysis and Critique

New book – Authoritarian Constitutionalism: Comparative Analysis and Critique

Helena Alviar Garcia and Günter Frankenberg have published a new edited book titled Authoritarian Constitutionalism: Comparative Analysis and Critique.   The contributions to this book analyse and submit to critique authoritarian ...
The Drafting Committee Welcomes the Recognition of the Abidjan Principles by the United Nations Human Rights Council

The Drafting Committee Welcomes the Recognition of the Abidjan Principles by the United Nations Human Rights Council

The UN Human Rights Council has adopted a historic resolution recognising the Abidjan Principles on the human rights obligations of States to provide public education and to regulate private involvement in education. Professor Sandra ...
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto seeks Director, International Human Rights Program

Faculty of Law, University of Toronto seeks Director, International Human Rights Program

The Faculty of Law is one of the oldest professional faculties at the University of Toronto. Today, it is one of the world's great law schools. The Faculty's rich academic programs are complemented by its many legal clinics and public ...
Seminal Expert Workshop on Sentencing in East and Southern Africa

Seminal Expert Workshop on Sentencing in East and Southern Africa

On 28 and 29 June 2019, Professor Julian Roberts of the Law Faculty at Oxford University, convened a seminal expert Workshop on Sentencing in East and Southern Africa. The seminar at the St Cross Building was supported by ...
Call for Papers: EUI conference on ‘Gender in Law and Courts: Uneasy Encounters?’

Call for Papers: EUI conference on ‘Gender in Law and Courts: Uneasy Encounters?’

The Department of Law of the European University Institute (EUI) and the PluriCourts Centre on the Legitimacy of the International Judiciary at the University of Oslo (PluriCourts) are hosting a one-day conference on gender and ...
Call for Papers: Young Scholars Forum, Melbourne Institute for Comparative Constitutional Law, 9-11 December 2019

Call for Papers: Young Scholars Forum, Melbourne Institute for Comparative Constitutional Law, 9-11 December 2019

The Melbourne Institute of Comparative Constitutional Law (MICCL) is an initiative of the Laureate Program in Comparative Constitutional Law, which is the program funded by the Australian Research Council for 2017-2022 which will ...
Fostering a Human Rights Community: OxHRH Graduate Student Workshop

Fostering a Human Rights Community: OxHRH Graduate Student Workshop

On Wednesday 29 May 2019, the OxHRH held its fifth workshop for MPhil and DPhil students at Oxford University working in the human rights field. Each student presented their work and received tailored feedback from members of the ...