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The answer: when you’re a member of one of the UK’s many ethnic minorities.
Figures from the University of ...

According to a recent study, only 15 of the 28 EU member states allow categories of resident migrants (‘third ...

On June 10th, handing down judgment in Vergara v. California, the California Supreme Court struck down three ...

On 23rd May 2014, police from the 76th Police Precinct in Niterói, near Rio de Janeiro, invaded (without judicial ...

On 9th June, Brazil´s President signed a new bill establishing a race-based affirmative action program for federal ...

The European Court of Human Rights ruled on 1st July that France’s ban on face coverings, known as the burqa-ban, ...

The Welfare Reform Act 2012 has introduced the biggest changes to state welfare since the establishment of the ...

Resumen: Las juezas y los jueces en todo el mundo han rendido cuentas de las decisiones que toman y cómo estas ...

Judges from all over the world are held accountable for the decisions they issue and for how these rulings affect ...

This is a critical time for privacy on the internet. Private entities, from the global, all-knowing Google to a ...

It is trite to say that land is a contentious issue in South Africa. This encompasses not only the legacy of the ...

It is trite to say that land is a contentious issue in South Africa. This encompasses not only the legacy of the ...
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