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The Indian society is characterised by a caste system, which is a hierarchical social stratification based on ...

In a previous blog post I explained the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination’s ...

This week, states are meeting at the UN General Assembly to review progress towards the achievement of the ...

Should a finding of indirect discrimination be sanctioned in the same way as a finding of direct discrimination? A ...

The Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ) established a new precedent asserting that women who suffer domestic ...

Galvanized by the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King in 1968, the U.S. Congress adopted the Fair Housing Act ...

The news coming out of Libya is dire. As the largest flow of modern African migration funnels through this single ...

The right to freedom of religion or belief (“freedom of religion”) is protected at the international and regional ...

On the 27th of August 2019, the South African Constitutional Court (Court) heard its first substantive hate speech ...

Earlier this week, the High Court at Cardiff held that police use of automated facial recognition technology (AFR) ...

Litigation is often predicated on certain assumptions. These may be the result of argumentation of the parties, ...

Calls for the protection of reproductive and sexual health are included in an increasing number of resolutions of ...
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