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It’s the middle of a busy month for the LGBT+ sector in Northern Ireland, with four Pride festivals taking place ...

In Australia, the Australian Public Service (‘APS’) is statutorily required to be ‘apolitical, performing its ...

The right to information is often understood as essential for the effective exercise of the right to expression, ...

On 26 July 2019, the High Court approved a settlement between 20 goldmining companies operating in South Africa ...

In a chilling throwback McCarthyism in the United States, India’s Parliament has passed the Unlawful Activities ...

In June 2019 the UK Parliament’s Women and Equalities Select Committee (‘WESC’) published a report on the use of ...

A decision of the Belgian Constitutional Court is the latest in a series of judgments in Europe deciding ...

Following the US-imposed oil embargo and a web of hard-hitting economic sanctions, Iran’s economy and the lives of ...

Since 1953, abortion has been illegal in Korea, except for cases of rape, incest, severe genetic disorders, ...

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), one of two major human rights bodies of the Organization of ...

The ‘clearance operations’ commenced in August 2017 against Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslim population by the State’s ...

During the recent anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong, a High Court judge participated by signing a petition ...
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