Deputy-Director of the OxHRH, Dr Meghan Campbell Discusses the Hub with Continuing Education Human Rights Students
Deputy-Director of the OxHRH, Dr Meghan Campbell, gave an insightful presentation to the Oxford University ...
New Human Rights Publications from Hart Publishing
20% discount for readers of the Oxford Human Rights ...
OxHRH Associate Dr Eirik Bjorge Appointed to a Senior Lectureship at Bristol University
A warm congratulations to Dr Eirik Bjorge, on being appointed to a Senior Lectureship at Bristol ...
Over 8000 Followers on the OxHRH Twitter Page
When we launched the OxHRH Blog in June 2012, we had a clear aspiration: to offer an intellectual space that could ...
New Report: Intersectional Discrimination in EU Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination by Professor Sandra Fredman
Professor Sandra Fredman, Director of the OxHRH has just completed a comprehensive report, Intersectional ...
The 2016 Kalisher Trust Internship at JUSTICE
JUSTICE is recruiting for The Kalisher Trust internship which will take place from October 2016 to January 2017, ...
New Publication: The Public Law of Gender: From Local to Global-Katharine G Young and Kim Rubenstein (eds)
With the worldwide sweep of gender-neutral, gender-equal or gender-sensitive public laws in international ...
Bail for Immigration Detainees Meets Initial Fundraising Target
Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is delighted to have reached their initial ‘all or nothing’ fundraising ...
Bob Hepple Equality Awards TONIGHT
The Equal Rights Trust and the Industrial Law Society are delighted to invite you to the Bob Hepple Equality Award ...
Pathways to Social and Economic Welfate: Considering Affirmative Action Policies in Brazil
Dr Mathieu Turgeon (Universidade de Brasilia) and Dr Philip Habel (University of Glasgow) are organising a ...
Message from OxHRH Director Professor Sandra Fredman on Brexit: Fragmentation and Reaffirmation
Fragmentation and reaffirmation
As the cold light of day dawns on the decision of a majority of voters in the UK ...
OxHRH Awarded Teaching Development and Enhancement Project Awards
The OxHRH has been awarded the prestigious Oxford University Teaching Development and Enhancement Project Awards. ...