International Law Violations Underpin Tragedy in Gaza
The death of 60 Palestinians under Israeli fire at the Israel-Gaza border fence on May 14 has sent palpable ...

The Irish Abortion Referendum: An Opportunity for Change
Today, the Irish people will be asked to vote in a referendum on whether or not to repeal the 8th Amendment of the ...

Failing to Prioritise Religious Burials in London: Equal Treatment or Equality?
In R (ota Adath Yisroel Burial Society) v HM Senior Coroner for Inner North London [2018] EWHC 969, the High Court ...

The Indian Supreme Court Takes a Stand Against Honour Crimes
Despite India’s liberal and secular commitments, honour killing has remained a social reality. A report by the ...

Congratulations to OxHRH Research Director Helen Taylor on Vice Chancellor’s Award
Congratulations to OxHRH Research Director, Helen Taylor, on her award from the Vice-Chancellor’s Fund! This ...

The Indian Feminist Judgment Project
Just outside the walls surrounding O.P. Jindal Global University, men dominate the world. Most women, irrespective ...

Refugee Studies Centre Seminar: Islamic Traditions of Refuge in the Crises of Iraq and Syria
Dr Tahir Zaman (University of Sussex)
Wednesday May 23, Seminar Room 3, Oxford Department of International ...

Film Screening at the Ultimate Picture Palace-A Cambodian Spring
On Wednesday 30th May, The Ultimate Picture Palace is hosting a special Q&A screening of the documentary A ...

Recent Legislative Progress on Healthcare Law in China: Establishing “Right to Health” as a Basic Right
In Chinese law, a “right to health” has long existed as a negative civil right in Civil Law. For the first time in ...

Together for Yes-Global Perspectives on Women’s Right to Access an Abortion
On Friday May 25, Ireland will hold a referendum on repealing the 8th Amendment which constitutionalizes the right ...

Refugee Studies Centre Seminar: Syrian Labour in the Turkish Economy-Dr Emre Eren Korkmaz (Oxford)
Wednesday May 16 at 5pm, Seminar Room 3, Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford, ...

Palestinian Refugees and the Right of Return in International Law
On this 70th commemoration of the Nakba (catastrophe), Palestinian refugees and their descendants still constitute ...
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