Open Letter from International Lawyers: Re-opened for Signatures

Open Letter from International Lawyers: Re-opened for Signatures

This open letter emerged from a session on 'Refugee Crisis and Europe' that took place at the 11th Annual ...
The European Union’s Search for Unity as the Refugee Crisis Continues

The European Union’s Search for Unity as the Refugee Crisis Continues

Ongoing violence and war in the countries of the Middle East and Africa has led thousands of refugees to leave ...
Upcoming Virtual Talk from UC Berkeley Law: "Understanding International Human Rights Commitments:  Control Mechanisms, Legitimacy and Domestic Change"

Upcoming Virtual Talk from UC Berkeley Law: "Understanding International Human Rights Commitments: Control Mechanisms, Legitimacy and Domestic Change"

The Berkeley Comparative Anti-Discrimination Law Virtual Study Group is giving a presentation on Thursday, ...
The Mass Flight of Syrian Refugees: What are the Legal Obligations of States?

The Mass Flight of Syrian Refugees: What are the Legal Obligations of States?

More than four million refugees have fled Syria since 2011. Most of them have sought refuge in neighbouring ...
Next Week’s Blog Series on Human Rights and the Refugee Crisis in Europe

Next Week’s Blog Series on Human Rights and the Refugee Crisis in Europe

Across the world, millions of people are undertaking long, dangerous and desperate journeys across countries and ...
Employee Rights in Zimbabwe: The Contrasting Approaches of the Constitutional Court and Executive in Response to Nyamande and Another v Zuva Petroleum 

Employee Rights in Zimbabwe: The Contrasting Approaches of the Constitutional Court and Executive in Response to Nyamande and Another v Zuva Petroleum 

As discussed recently on the Blog, the Zimbabwean Supreme Court’s interpretation of Section 12B of the Labour Act ...
The Out of School Children Case: A Model for Court-Facilitated Dialogue?

The Out of School Children Case: A Model for Court-Facilitated Dialogue?

An Indian citizen enjoys a constitutionally guaranteed right to free and compulsory primary education (Article 21A ...
Launch of Fiction and Human Rights Network at TORCH: ‘Dignity and the Novel Since 1948’

Launch of Fiction and Human Rights Network at TORCH: ‘Dignity and the Novel Since 1948’

The launch of the Fiction and Human Rights Network at TORCH: 'Dignity and the Novel since 1948' This is an ...
UK and the Assisted Dying Bill: Autonomy in Death Continues to Wait Its Turn

UK and the Assisted Dying Bill: Autonomy in Death Continues to Wait Its Turn

Last week, the Assisted Dying (No.2) Bill (‘the Bill’) was rejected by 330 to 118 in a historic vote in the House ...
Law Commission of India Recommends Abolition of the Death Penalty: A Historic First Step

Law Commission of India Recommends Abolition of the Death Penalty: A Historic First Step

In what can be termed as a watershed moment in the fight against death penalty in India, the Law Commission in its ...
Justifying Deadly Force in the American Supreme Court

Justifying Deadly Force in the American Supreme Court

The case of City of Los Angeles v. Contreras, currently up for first-round consideration before the Supreme Court ...
Hibernian Law Journal Call for Submissions

Hibernian Law Journal Call for Submissions

The Hibernian Law Journal (HLJ) is an annual publication produced by young lawyers in Ireland with the support of ...