Women’s Rights in the Gulf Cooperation Council: A Dialogue
By Nazila Ghanea -
On Wednesday 27 February the Women’s Rights Research Seminar (WRRS) at Oxford held its last ...
US Congress Reauthorizes Violence Against Women Act
By Chelsea Purvis -
The United States Congress has for many months been debating the future of the Violence ...
Yordanova and others v Bulgaria: an Illustration of the Absence of Watertight Divisions Between the Social Right to Adequate Housing and the Civil Right to Respect for one’s Home.
By Adélaïde Remiche -
On 24 April 2012, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) handed down a unanimous ...
George Galloway’s Walkout and Discrimination on the Basis of Nationality
On the 20th of February, George Galloway, MP for Bradford West, walked out of a debate at Christ Church, Oxford. ...
George Galloway's Walkout and Discrimination on the Basis of Nationality
On the 20th of February, George Galloway, MP for Bradford West, walked out of a debate at Christ Church, Oxford. ...
Protecting the Labour Rights and Human Rights of Migrant Domestic Workers – A Labour Regulation Approach
By Professor Judy Fudge -
Women who cross national borders in order to work in the households of other peoples’ ...
Congratulations to the Oxford Jessup Moot Team
The Oxford Human Rights Hub congratulates the University of Oxford team for defeating the University of Cambridge ...
Hacking, blagging and bribing? The press after Leveson
By Hugh Tomlinson QC -
Hacking, blagging and bribing were, for many years, standard journalistic techniques in ...
Weakening Protections for Victims of Gender-Based Violence in the United States?
By Chelsea Purvis -
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is the principle federal law addressing gender-based ...
Stuck in Traffic?
By Professor Bridget Anderson -
‘Trafficking’ seems to extend the audience of those engaged with the human ...
Violence Against Women in South Africa: President Zuma and the ANC Still Have Not Got the Message
By Nabihah Iqbal -
The recent tragedy of Anene Booysen has brought widespread attention to the pandemic of ...
Death Penalty in India: What the Future Holds
By Vrinda Bhandari -
Constitutionally speaking, the death penalty in India is limited to the “rarest of the ...
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