Condoning Child Marriage in Bangladesh: A Step Backwards

Condoning Child Marriage in Bangladesh: A Step Backwards

Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, with 59% of girls married before turning ...
‘Engagement significatif’ en droit du logement : une nouvelle approche en matière de campements informels au Québec?

‘Engagement significatif’ en droit du logement : une nouvelle approche en matière de campements informels au Québec?

La ville de Montréal fait face à une crise du logement sans précédent. Les personnes en situation d’itinérance ...
Meaningful Engagement in Housing Law: Québec’s New Approach to Informal Settlements?

Meaningful Engagement in Housing Law: Québec’s New Approach to Informal Settlements?

The city of Montreal is facing a growing crisis of homelessness. Individuals who are unhoused face several social ...
Kenya’s Continual Failure to Meet their Two-Thirds Gender Quota

Kenya’s Continual Failure to Meet their Two-Thirds Gender Quota

Article twenty-seven of the Republic of Kenya’s 2010 Constitution states that the ‘State shall take legislative ...
The Missing Pieces: Living Organ Donation and Personal Autonomy in Germany

The Missing Pieces: Living Organ Donation and Personal Autonomy in Germany

Non-directed living organ donation remains prohibited in Germany, with concerning implications for individual ...
The Legacy of the 1993 Democratic Transition of Seychelles

The Legacy of the 1993 Democratic Transition of Seychelles

The Seychelles Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission has almost concluded its investigation into ...
Hostage Diplomacy: Russia’s Detention of a US journalist as State Hostage-taking

Hostage Diplomacy: Russia’s Detention of a US journalist as State Hostage-taking

On 30 March, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) announced the arrest of the Wall Street Journal’s Moscow ...
The EU Artificial Intelligence Act and its Human Rights Limitations

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act and its Human Rights Limitations

At the end of 2022, the Council of the European Union adopted its common position or ‘general approach’ to the ...
Upholding the Right to Shelter: The Need for a Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy in Eviction and Demolition Drives in India

Upholding the Right to Shelter: The Need for a Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy in Eviction and Demolition Drives in India

The Supreme Court of India stayed the Order of the Uttarakhand High Court directing removal of occupants from ...
Ogentoto v Ogentoto: Kenya’s Supreme Court Judgment on Equality and Fairness in the Division of Matrimonial Property

Ogentoto v Ogentoto: Kenya’s Supreme Court Judgment on Equality and Fairness in the Division of Matrimonial Property

For over a decade now, Kenya has made important steps towards fair division of matrimonial property through its ...
کیا پاکستان میں خواتین اپنے انسانی حقوق کے لیے مارچ کر سکتی ہیں؟

کیا پاکستان میں خواتین اپنے انسانی حقوق کے لیے مارچ کر سکتی ہیں؟

پاکستان میں سندھ ہائی کورٹ کے ایک حالیہ فیصلے نے ثابت کیا ہے کہ خواتین کے حقوق کے علمبرداروں کی طرف سے عام طور پر ...