
Towards Uniformity and Eradicating Gender Disparity: Increase in Legal Age of Marriage for Women

Towards Uniformity and Eradicating Gender Disparity: Increase in Legal Age of Marriage for Women

Image description: A bride and groom with their hands interlinked. A petition was filed by Ashwini Kumar in the Supreme Court of India seeking parity in marriageable age for men...
Separated, Locked Down, and Unequal: The Grey Hair Revolution’s resistance to draconian quarantine in Colombia

Separated, Locked Down, and Unequal: The Grey Hair Revolution’s resistance to draconian quarantine in Colombia

In July 2020, Colombian Administrative Judge Edith Alarcón-Bernal announced her decision to protect the rights to equality and non-discrimination of Colombians over 70 years old. The decision followed a tutela...

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