Modern slavery

Los derechos de las niñas y niños y la esclavitud moderna: Cerrando una brecha en la literatura y la práctica

Los derechos de las niñas y niños y la esclavitud moderna: Cerrando una brecha en la literatura y la práctica

La esclavitud moderna es una cuestión que involucra los derechos de las niñas y niños. Existen implicaciones en sus derechos antes, durante y después de la explotación. Sin embargo, la...
Children’s Rights and Modern Slavery: Bridging a Gap in Literature and Practice

Children’s Rights and Modern Slavery: Bridging a Gap in Literature and Practice

Modern slavery is a children’s rights issue. Children’s rights are implicated before, during, and after exploitation. Yet, academic literature on modern slavery and exploitation rarely addresses children’s rights. A systematic...
Lessons from the French Vigilance Law for the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Lessons from the French Vigilance Law for the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

On 23rd February 2022, the European Commission published a draft Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (‘the Draft Directive’) that will mandate companies operating within the European Union (‘EU’) above a...
Modern Slavery: Is Domestic Servitude a “Commercial Activity” Exempted from Diplomatic Immunity?

Modern Slavery: Is Domestic Servitude a “Commercial Activity” Exempted from Diplomatic Immunity?

Image description: The United Nations Office in Vienna In the Supreme Court case of Basfar v Wong [2022] UKSC 20, Wong worked as a domestic helper for Saudi Arabian diplomat...
Saudi Arabia must protect financial rights of migrant workers

Saudi Arabia must protect financial rights of migrant workers

On 14 March, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, long known for the oppressive treatment of foreign workers, enacted a law awarding more rights to foreign workers. However, more than half...

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