
Non-Refoulement of Uyghur Prisoners in India

Non-Refoulement of Uyghur Prisoners in India

Although India is not party to the 1951 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Refugees, this does not preclude it from its Principle of Non-Refoulement, or prohibition of refoulement,...
Afghanistan Crisis and Inadequate Indian Refugee Policy

Afghanistan Crisis and Inadequate Indian Refugee Policy

The speed with which the Taliban seized Afghanistan as American forces withdrew has plunged Afghanistan into a humanitarian crisis. Major countries have swiftly responded to this humanitarian crisis. For example,...
A Review of the Credibility Assessment in Hong Kong’s Torture Claim Regime

A Review of the Credibility Assessment in Hong Kong’s Torture Claim Regime

Since 2014, Hong Kong has conducted its asylum process through the Unified Screening Mechanism. The process begins with an individual signifying to an Immigration Officer (“Officer”) his intention to seek...

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