
Student protests in South Africa: police brutality claims the life of a bystander

Student protests in South Africa: police brutality claims the life of a bystander

After the ruthless policing of student protests in Johannesburg claimed the life of an innocent bystander, South Africa’s troubled entanglement with police brutality is once again called into question. In...
Hong Kong: Anti-Mask Law Held Constitutional (but please wear a mask for COVID-19)

Hong Kong: Anti-Mask Law Held Constitutional (but please wear a mask for COVID-19)

The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (“HKCFA”) recently held that the Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation(“PFCR”) was constitutional. The PFCR was introduced by the Chief Executive in Council on...
Internet Access as a Derivative Component of the Freedom of Expression

Internet Access as a Derivative Component of the Freedom of Expression

The judgement in the case of Amnesty International Togo v The Togolese Republic [2020] asserts access to internet is a “derivative” right within the context of the right to freedom...

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