Right to dignity

The constitutionality of section 10 of the South African Equality Act: a case for balancing the rights to equality, dignity and freedom of expression

The constitutionality of section 10 of the South African Equality Act: a case for balancing the rights to equality, dignity and freedom of expression

Section 10 of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act (“the Equality Act”) has not been without controversy and robust opprobrium. Since its inception, numerous legal academics...
Right to housing and dignity denied: Indian Supreme Court orders eviction of slum dwellers within 3 months

Right to housing and dignity denied: Indian Supreme Court orders eviction of slum dwellers within 3 months

In a recent order passed in the case of MC Mehta v. Union of India, the Supreme Court has given directions to remove around 48,000 slum dwellings that run along...
Separated, Locked Down, and Unequal: The Grey Hair Revolution’s resistance to draconian quarantine in Colombia

Separated, Locked Down, and Unequal: The Grey Hair Revolution’s resistance to draconian quarantine in Colombia

In July 2020, Colombian Administrative Judge Edith Alarcón-Bernal announced her decision to protect the rights to equality and non-discrimination of Colombians over 70 years old. The decision followed a tutela...
Ireland: Historic Victory for Environmental Campaigners

Ireland: Historic Victory for Environmental Campaigners

In a landmark decision, the Irish Supreme Court has unanimously quashed what it termed the Irish Government’s ‘excessively vague’ plan to tackle climate change. The Court held that the plan...
Kenyan High Court breaks rank with Supreme Court on the right to prompt notification for reasons of arrest

Kenyan High Court breaks rank with Supreme Court on the right to prompt notification for reasons of arrest

In Mohamed Feisal& 19 others v Henry Kandie et. Al. the Kenyan High Court departed from a decision by the Supreme Court of Kenya (SCORK) in the Hussein Khalid case....
Discriminatory Torture of an LGBTI Person: Landmark Precedent Set by the Inter-American Court

Discriminatory Torture of an LGBTI Person: Landmark Precedent Set by the Inter-American Court

Earlier this year, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) issued a landmark judgment Azul Rojas Marín and Another v. Peru (Azul), in which Peru was found responsible for the...

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