Right to protest

UN Member States Vote to Oust Iran from the UN Commission of the Status of Women

UN Member States Vote to Oust Iran from the UN Commission of the Status of Women

Image description: Iran solidarity protest in Berlin, October 22, 2022. On December 14th, 2022, Iran became the first United Nations (UN) member state ousted during its 4-year elected term on...
Criminal Liabilities of First Aiders in Situations of Violence: A Hong Kong Perspective

Criminal Liabilities of First Aiders in Situations of Violence: A Hong Kong Perspective

Image Description: Police firing tear gas to protesters near Central Government Headquarters in Hong Kong. Whether and to what extent should first aiders bear criminal liabilities for taking part in...
The ‘Colston Four’ and the Walls of Criminal Trials

The ‘Colston Four’ and the Walls of Criminal Trials

Image Description: Statue of Edward Colston at Bristol. This statue was pulled down in 2020 by protestors during a Black Lives Matter march. The acquittals of the ‘Colston four’ have...
The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill: an Unprecedented Blow to Democracy and Fundamental Rights

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill: an Unprecedented Blow to Democracy and Fundamental Rights

Image Description: A picture of an empty chamber in the UK House of Commons. The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is expected to pass through its third and final...
Forgetting liberté: France’s new security law imperils freedom of expression

Forgetting liberté: France’s new security law imperils freedom of expression

On Saturday 21 November, despite a nationwide lockdown, thousands took to the streets across France to protest the loi de securité globale (global security law) being debated in the General...
Right to Protest v. Convenience of the Public – The Indian Supreme Court’s Decision on Shaheen Bagh Anti-CAA Protests

Right to Protest v. Convenience of the Public – The Indian Supreme Court’s Decision on Shaheen Bagh Anti-CAA Protests

On 7 October 2020, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court of India held that the right to protest guaranteed under the Constitution of India cannot be exercised at public...
Unprecedented onslaught on activists and human rights defenders in Belarus

Unprecedented onslaught on activists and human rights defenders in Belarus

News stories emerging from Belarus resemble a gruesome shopping list of human rights abuses. Authorities have systematically violated the right to freedom of expression, freedom from torture, freedom of assembly,...

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