Sexual harassment

Widening the class of complainants and respondents under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013

Widening the class of complainants and respondents under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, (‘POSH Act’) was introduced in India in 2013 to prevent and redress complaints of sexual harassment made by...
Hindering Accountability and Safety in Sports: the Lack of Internal Complaints Committees in Indian Sports Federations

Hindering Accountability and Safety in Sports: the Lack of Internal Complaints Committees in Indian Sports Federations

Recently, allegations of ‘rampant’ sexual harassment in sports have prompted the Indian Express news outlet to report concerns that most Indian Sports Federations have failed to constitute Internal Complaints Committees...
Nadia Naz v President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Supreme Court of Pakistan Restricts the Scope of ‘Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act 2010’

Nadia Naz v President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Supreme Court of Pakistan Restricts the Scope of ‘Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act 2010’

On 5 July 2021, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan (SC) delivered the judgement in Nadia Naz v. President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and interpreted the...
Corte Inter-Americana de Derechos Humanos: El derecho a estar libre de violencia en contextos educativos.

Corte Inter-Americana de Derechos Humanos: El derecho a estar libre de violencia en contextos educativos.

En junio del año 2020 la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH) dictó sentencia en el caso Paola Guzmán Albarracín. Paola fue sexualmente abusada por el Vicerrector de la...
Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Freedom from Sexual Violence in Educational Contexts

Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Freedom from Sexual Violence in Educational Contexts

In June 2020, the Inter-American Court of Human Right (‘IACtHR’) issued a judgment in the case of Paola Guzmán. Paola was sexually abused by the Vice-Rector of her school, who...
Shaping the Future of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights at Work

Shaping the Future of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights at Work

Sexual and reproductive health rights are not normally thought of as materialising in the workplace, but there are a numerous hurdles at work to women’s enjoyment of sexual and reproductive...
India’s sexual harassment law wouldn’t be effective unless we fix the issue of ‘Limitation’

India’s sexual harassment law wouldn’t be effective unless we fix the issue of ‘Limitation’

Recently, the High Court of Delhi (India) refused to entertain a challenge to the dismissal of a Judicial Officer, who was found guilty for sexually harassing a Court Officer by...
The Inter American Court of Human Rights sets standards on the gender-based violence continuum in educational settings

The Inter American Court of Human Rights sets standards on the gender-based violence continuum in educational settings

Guzmán Albarracín and Others vs Ecuador, adopted by the Inter American Court of Human Rights in June 2020, is historic. This is the first case in the Inter American Human...
Sexual Harassment at Work: Reflections on its Nature, Persistence and on the Changing Legal Landscape – Prof Sandy Fredman and Dame Laura Cox

Sexual Harassment at Work: Reflections on its Nature, Persistence and on the Changing Legal Landscape – Prof Sandy Fredman and Dame Laura Cox

This joint conversation between Professor Sandra Fredman and Dame Laura Cox, moderated by Hon Judge Jennifer Eady is a joint OxHRH event in collaboration with the Association of Women Judges...

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