Image description: A UK official stands at a podium with a banner behind reading ‘Human Rights and Democracy’ In December 2021, the UK Government released its consultation document proposing changes...
Mumtaz Bibi v Qasim: Islamabad High Court’s Landmark Judgment on Child Marriage
Image description: Children in a village in Sindh Pakistan. As per a recent UNICEF report, Pakistan is home to nearly 19 million child brides: one in three girls in Pakistan...
Juvenile Bail Provision in India: The Urgent Need for Legislative Checks and Balances
Image Description: A group of children playing football in India. India’s Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015 empowers the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) to impose conditions of...
Leigh v Commissioner for the Police of the Metropolis: Fundamental Rights during COVID
Image description: Large collection of lit candles amidst darkness In Leigh v Commissioner for the Police of the Metropolis [2022] EWHC 527, the High Court ruled that the Metropolitan Police...
Balancing Rights: The Future of Remote Courts in Public Family Law
Image Description: Socially distanced judges in courtroom At the start of 2022, as we approach nearly two years of family courts operating under the twin pressures of decades of under-funding...
Remedying Individual Injustice: The Supreme Court of India paves the way in Avni Prakash V. National Testing Agency and Ors.
Image description: A person standing at a podium, with a banner reading ‘Accessible India Campaign’. In human rights disputes, courts may be called on to resolve the clash between the...
Corroboration as Sex Discrimination: The Equality Implications of Sexual Offence Cases in Malawi
Image description: Graffiti on the wall of three women with red blindfolds over their eyes. In Kaliyati v R (Criminal Appeal 109 of 2018) [2020], judge Fiona Mwale asserts that...
Google’s Victory Against Lloyd in UK Supreme Court: The Need for Class Action Legislation
Image description: A building with the sign saying ‘Google’. On 10 November 2021, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom handed down its judgement in the case of Lloyd v...
The Polish Challenge to the ECtHR’s Authority: Can the CoE Human-Rights System Respond Convincingly to It?
That the 24.11.21 judgment of the Polish Constitutional Court (CC) represents a serious challenge to the ECtHR’s authority does not seem to be open to question. The CoE SG has...
Indian Supreme Court on Gender Sensitisation of Judges: Aparna Bhat & Ors v State of Madhya Pradesh & Anr
To achieve gender justice, it is critical that the judiciary avoid stereotypes and social biases to strengthen a judicial system that guarantees women access to fair and gender-sensitive judgments. In...
The Struggle to Establish Human Rights Courts in India: An Unfulfilled Promise
A petition was filed by Bhavika Phore on July 8, 2019, in the Supreme Court of India seeking to solidify human rights protections in India and gain statutory redressal under...
Defending legality in judicial appointments: The European Court of Human Rights and the Polish constitutional crisis [Part 2]
This is what happened in Poland. The Supreme Court made a preliminary reference about the appointment of the members of its Disciplinary Chamber (DC). The CJEU considered that there were...