The Supreme Court’s Rwanda Judgment: What Now for the Government?
All eyes were on the Supreme Court last Wednesday when it handed down its ruling on the lawfulness of the government’s much-criticised Rwanda scheme. The judgment featured a number of...
Community Sentencing: A Positive Shift in the Indian Criminal Justice System
A number of alternatives to custodial sentences have been introduced in the Indian criminal justice system, with progress being made over time towards open prisons, probation, and rehabilitation centres. Yet...
The Fundamental Knot: Why a Hands-Off Approach by the Indian Judiciary Poses a Challenge to Marriage Equality in India
The Supreme Court of India on 17 October 2023 delivered its long-awaited judgement on the legality of same-sex marriages in the country. The 3:2 majority verdict refused to recognise the...
Giving Voice to the Vulnerable: How Advisory Opinions Have the Potential to Advance Climate Justice through International Courts
In the context of the current climate crisis, climate change litigation has taken a new form over the past year. There have been increasing requests for advisory opinions from international...
Suicides within India’s Agricultural Industry: How Climate Change and Government Policy are Impacting Human Rights
Over 650 farmers have committed suicide in the central region of Maharashtra, India, from January to August 2023. Climate change and the stress it places on agriculture have been the...
The Wait is Coming to an End: The Brazilian Supreme Court’s Promising Opportunity to Finally Decriminalise Abortion up to 12 Weeks
In September 2023, a key event changed the direction of discussions about the criminalisation of abortion in Brazil: Justice Rosa Weber, rapporteur of ADPF 442 –Brazilian acronym for “Claim of...
Unravelling the Human Rights Implications of Sri Lanka’s New Anti-Corruption Law
Human rights in Sri Lanka have only deteriorated in recent years amidst the economic crisis that unfolded in 2022. The public, although dissatisfied with the state of affairs, is barred...
Unpacking India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act: A New Dawn or a False Start?
The Government of India recently passed the Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023, with the primary purpose of regulating the processing and protection of individuals’ personal data, whilst laying down...
The Legacy Bill: Furthering the Gap to Truth and Justice
Currently before the UK’s House of Lords is the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill (the Bill). While pacific in name, the Bill is packed with legal and political...
Figel’ v Slovakia: Potential landmark ECtHR decision on COVID-19 related restrictions to religious freedom
The COVID-19 pandemic introduced a period of unprecedented restrictions to fundamental rights, unthinkable no less than five years ago: freedom of movement, assembly, and expression, and the right to private...
An Assessment of Transitional Justice in Spain vis-à-vis the Ley De Memoria Democrática: the good, the bad and the solvable
The Spanish transition to democracy post-dictatorship prioritised peace, security, and the consolidation of democracy at the expense of truth, justice and accountability. However, in 2022, Sanchez’s government implemented the Ley...
Redefining Intimacy and Individual Liberties: Unravelling the Kiran Rawat Judgment
In a shocking recent judgement Kiran Rawat v State of UP, the High Court of Allahabad, India dismissed a writ petition from a cohabiting couple. The couple sought to safeguard...