Ireland has an extremely restrictive abortion law regime. Since the introduction of the 8th Amendment in 1983, the Constitution has recognised the “right to life of the unborn” in a...
Investigating Alleged Widespread and/or Systematic Forced Sterilizations in Peru
On 20 April 2015, the Peruvian Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) re-opened an investigation into alleged forced sterilizations of over 2000 persons, mainly peasant and indigenous women. They were allegedly...
Reino Unido: Tu voto por la igualdad de género
Hasta el 31 de mayo se encuentra abierto el periodo de votaciones de los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto. De manera rápida y sencilla, puedes votar más de una...
United Kingdom, Time for you to Vote for Gender Equality
The voting period for the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards is open until May 31st. Voting is fast and easy. You can vote for several cases on the same day and...
Menstrual Hygiene – the Bloody Road to Substantive Equality
Menstruation is a taboo subject for too many people, male and female alike, leading to misunderstanding, confusion, and prejudice. Menstruation has long been a signifier of Otherness; difference – but...
Abortion As A Human Right: Should the Law in Northern Ireland Be Reformed?
Why do women living in Northern Ireland have to travel to London to have an abortion? At an event hosted by Oxford University Amnesty International Society, in association with the...
Northern Ireland’s Human Rights Commission Granted Leave for Judicial Review to Challenge the Country’s Near-Blanket Ban on Abortion
Unlike the rest of the UK, Northern Ireland is not covered by the Abortion Act 1967. If you are a woman living there who wishes to terminate a pregnancy, the...
Revisiting Mass Sterilisation in India – Population Management or Menace?
According to the 2011 census, the population of India was recorded as 1.2 billion people. Such a situation calls for urgent measures to address family planning and to control of...
Burwell v Hobby Lobby – a narrow decision?
This week the Supreme Court of the United States delivered judgment in the eagerly anticipated case of Burwell v Hobby Lobby, involving a challenge to a provision of the Patient...
The Uneasy Decision in A and B v Secretary of State for Health
Most women from Northern Ireland seeking an abortion will travel to England. This is expensive: in addition to travel costs, the woman will have to use a private provider rather...
Surrogacy, Same-sex Couples and the Privatisation of Regulation in Israel
On 30 January 2014, the Israeli Government published a draft bill on surrogacy. This proposed amendment to Israel’s 1996 surrogacy law, which was based on a deeply entrenched heteronormative vision...
Abortion Law Reforms in Ireland
In A, B & C v. Ireland the European Court of Human Rights held that Ireland must end its 20-year delay in legislating for the limited constitutional right to abortion,...