On 30th of June, 2015 the Oxford Human Rights Hub, with the support of the Bertha Foundation, presented a live webinar on the Right to Strike.
The webinar was presented by Professor Alan Bogg, Oxford University and moderated by Professor Sandra Fredman, OxHRH Director.
The webinar was a great success, with more than 70 active participants from around the globe – from Canada to Israel, Nigeria to South Africa, Kenya to Ireland. Participants had the opportunity to ask question and participate in live audience ‘polls’ using social media and the hashtag #Right2Strike. Some of the probing questions explored included:
- Once we recognise the right to strike as a human right, are there circumstances when the right can be justifiably limited? And does this put in peril the right to strike?
- The focus of the webinar has been on courts and judicial interpretation, should we rather be focused on pushing legislatures to legislate to protect the right to strike?
- If we have alternative dispute resolutions in the workplace is it valid to restrict or obliterate the right to strike?
For those who were unable to attend the live webinar a recording of the event is now available by following this link.
This is the second of a series of planned free, live, webinars to be produced by the OxHRH this year. The previous webinar by Professor Sandra Fredman on the Right to Education can be found here.