US Supreme Court Requires Recognition of Marriage Equality
The US Supreme Court has ruled, in Obergefell, by a 5-4 majority, that the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution requires States to license same-sex marriage, and to recognise same-sex...
Decisiones ganadoras de los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015
Los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015 han concluido con alrededor de 10,000 votos y aproximadamente 100,000 visitas a las distintas nominaciones (67 en total) de 28 países alrededor...
2015 Gender Justice Uncovered Award Winners
The 2015 Gender Justice Uncovered Award winners are in. This year the Awards concluded with over 10,000 votes and 100,000 case views for the 67 nominated decisions across 28 different...
Conscience Wars and Complicity Claims
A new front is opening in the culture wars. Persons of faith are now seeking religious exemptions from laws concerning sex, reproduction, and marriage on the ground that the law...
The US Constitutional Status of Same-Sex Marriage – An Issue that Can No Longer be Avoided
This week the Supreme Court of the United States will hear oral argument in what will no doubt be considered one of the most important civil rights cases of our...
Free Speech or Hate Speech? License Plates Drive SCOTUS to a Difficult Place
Despite the fact the American Civil War ended some 150 years ago, the symbols of that conflict continue to be deeply controversial in the United States. No symbol is more...
The Geography of International Law and the Cyber Domain
The geographical scope of the law of armed conflict (LOAC) has engaged the interest of IHL experts for some years dividing opinion as to whether the reach of the law...
Decisiones nominadas para la categoría Garrote en los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015
Jueces y juezas de todo el mundo tienen que hacerse responsables de las decisiones discriminatorias que toman y como éstas afectan la vida de las personas, en especial de las...
The ‘Bludgeon’ Nominees in the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards 2015
Judges from all over the world should be held accountable for the discriminatory decisions they issue on matters related to gender equality, and for how these rulings affect the lives...
Glossip v. Gross: SCOTUS to Consider Oklahoma’s Lethal Injection Protocol
On Friday 23rd January, 2015, the US Supreme Court granted three Oklahoma death row inmates certiorari to challenge the state’s three-drug lethal injection protocol. In Baze v. Rees 553 U.S....
Nonsense on Stilts? Tommy the Chimp’s Legal Battle for ‘Non-Human Person Rights’ in the New York Courts
Tommy has been imprisoned for most of his life. Locked in a room in upstate New York, he has no money and cannot speak any languages. With the help of...
Where will the US go after Kiobel?
Last year, the landmark US Supreme Court decision of Kiobel held that the presumption against extraterritorial application of US law applies to the Alien Tort Statute (“ATS”) (see previous OxHRH...