Carrie McDougall

Dr Carrie McDougall (@IntLawCarrie) is the author of The Crime of Aggression under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2021).

Content by Author

Prosecuting Putin for his Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Part Two

Prosecuting Putin for his Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Part Two

Image description: Vladimir Putin behind a desk with a Russian flag in the background As outlined in part one, there is near universal agreement that Putin has committed a crime of aggression over which the ICC lacks jurisdiction. ...
Prosecuting Putin for his Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Part One

Prosecuting Putin for his Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Part One

Image description: The exterior of the International Criminal Court Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – and its ongoing use of force – is a textbook example of the crime of aggression. The crime of aggression is defined under Article ...