Jack Heron and Isabel Ecker

Jack Heron is a BCL candidate at St Hugh's College, University of Oxford. He holds a BCL (Hons) undergraduate degree in Law with Politics from University College Dublin, and is qualified to practise as a solicitor in the Republic of Ireland, England, and Wales. His research interests include human rights, public law, and the intersection between issues of gender and sexuality and the law.
Isabel Ecker is an MJur candidate at Lincoln College, University of Oxford and a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholar. She finished her PhD in Germany at the University of Cologne on an international criminal law topic. She was granted a PhD scholarship by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes). Her research focuses on international criminal law, human rights and legal technology.

Content by Author

Europe’s Gender Recognition Tug-of-War Continues in Germany – Part 2: Implications of the Draft Law on Self-Determination

Europe’s Gender Recognition Tug-of-War Continues in Germany – Part 2: Implications of the Draft Law on Self-Determination

Germany may soon close a troubled chapter on its legal provision for gender recognition, ending the decades-long reign of the 1980 Law on Transsexuals (Transsexuellengesetz or TSG), in favour of the draft Law on Self-Determination ...
Europe’s Gender Recognition Tug-of-War Continues in Germany – Part 1: The Law as it Stands

Europe’s Gender Recognition Tug-of-War Continues in Germany – Part 1: The Law as it Stands

Germany may soon close a troubled chapter on its legal provision for gender recognition, ending the decades-long reign of the 1980 Law on Transsexuals (Transsexuellengesetz or TSG), in favour of the draft Law on Self-Determination ...