Pui-yin Lo

Dr. Pui-yin Lo is a barrister in private practice in Hong Kong. He also teaches constitutional law at the Faculty of Law of The University of Hong Kong. Dr. Lo has written extensively in English and Chinese on the Hong Kong Basic Law, the protection of human rights and immigration. His recent contributions include the Hong Kong chapters in the Asian Comparative Constitutional Law anthology (Hart Publishing) and the Hong Kong chapter in the 2022 Global Review of Constitutional Law.

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谭得志是一位嘈吵的香港政治人物。 他在2020年的竞选活动以公开演讲引起人们关注,这些演讲认同2019年的「反修例抗议」,并令某些人认为其贬低中国共产党、香港政府、香港警队和中国中央当局决定为其香港特别行政区制定的《港区国安法》。 选举最终被取消。 谭被控14项控罪,其中包括7项“发表煽动文字”控罪。 ...


譚得志是一位嘈吵的香港政治人物。 他在 2020 年的競選活動以公開演講引起人們關注,這些演講認同2019年的「反修例抗議」,並令某些人認為其貶低中國共產黨、香港政府、香港警隊和中國中央當局決定為其香港特別行政區制定的《港區國安法》。 ...
The Revival of the Sedition Intention Offences in Hong Kong Continues: The Tam Tak-chi Appeal and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance

The Revival of the Sedition Intention Offences in Hong Kong Continues: The Tam Tak-chi Appeal and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance

Tam Tak-chi was a loud-mouthed Hong Kong (HK) politician. His 2020 election campaign attracted attention through public addresses that identified with the 2019 Anti-ELAB Protests and were perceived by some as demeaning the Chinese ...