A4ID’s annual Law and International Development Training Programme

by | Feb 15, 2018

The only course of its kind in the UK, A4ID’s annual Law and International Development training programme explores the crucial role that law plays in underpinning the international development agenda and in promoting responsible business practice.

This course explores role of the law in:

International Development

Financing Development

Business and Human Rights

Socio-Economic Rights

Sustainable Development

The programme consists of five Saturday or Sunday modules spread over 3 months. You can attend the whole programme, a combination of modules or one individual module.

What you gain

A knowledge of the big issues in international development, successes and challenges in using the law, and the complexities involved in trying to make effective interventions

Practical skills in thinking through how you would tackle real life cases

The confidence to advise pro bono and fee paying clients on legal issues to do with international development and business and human rights

How you learn

Each topic will be introduced with a presentation and time for questions and discussions. You will have the opportunity to explore the issues and how they play out in practice, through participatory group work and interactive exercises. We will upload background information, course materials and further resources to a shared secure site so that you can build on your learning.


University of Law, London Moorgate


Module 1: Sunday 22nd April 2018, 10:00 – 17:30

Module 2: Saturday 19th May 2018, 10:00 – 17:30

Module 3: Saturday 9th June 2018, 10:00 – 17:30

Module 4: Sunday 1st July 2018, 10:00 – 17:30

Module 5: Saturday 21st July 2017, 10:00 – 17:30


Programme cost varies depending on the organisation you are working for. Generous discount for students and those self-funding. See website for further details.


Please see http://www.a4id.org/course/law-and-development-training-programme/ for more details and how to sign up.



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