About the 8th-Providing Information on 8th Amendment and Proposed Abortion Law Reform in Ireland

by | May 9, 2018

In the run-up to the referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment due to be held on 25 May 2018 this website is a resource that seeks to answer questions about the law as it is, and the law as it is proposed to be.

It is a collaboration between Professor Fiona de Londras and Máiréad Enright. 


Professor de Londras and Dr Enright have both written in support of a ‘yes’ vote on the 25th of May. However, on their website they do not present arguments for or against any outcome. Instead, they aim to present accurate and objective information about the law. They believe that information should be empowering: it should be clear, accessible and objective and that is what we aim to present here. Such information aids people in making their decisions, whatever those decisions may be.

Corrections and Clarifications

They welcome corrections and clarifications on the content of this site, subject to the proviso that our aspiration is to provide information on the law and not arguments for/against abortion and/or legal change.


On this site they use the terms pregnant people, pregnant women, pregnant woman, pregnant person interchangeably, and when speaking about ‘women’ in the context of accessing abortion care recognise that all persons with the capacity for pregnancy, including those who do not identify as women, may come into contact with the law on abortion.

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