Arifur Rahman

Arifur Rahman has recently completed his fellowship at the UNDP Headquarters in New York. He pursued an LLM at NYU Law as a Vanderbilt Scholar and has law degrees from the University of Dhaka. His research interests lie in human rights law, gender, and sexuality.

Content by Author

Student Movements, the Right to Protest, and Bangladesh’s Human Rights Obligations

Student Movements, the Right to Protest, and Bangladesh’s Human Rights Obligations

In June 2024, students in Bangladesh protested against the reinstatement of the quota system by the High Court division that reserved, among others, 30% of the total public posts for the relatives of the 1971 liberation war heroes. ...
The Tension between Human Rights, Freedom of Dress and Public Morality

The Tension between Human Rights, Freedom of Dress and Public Morality

Regulations on dress are controversial in many jurisdictions, poised at the intersection between human rights and public morality. In countries where wearing particular attire is considered a threat to religious or cultural values, ...