Douglas NeJaime and Reva Siegel

Douglas NeJaime is a professor at Yale Law School. His recent scholarship includes “The Nature of Parenthood,” 126 Yale Law Journal 2260 (2017); “Marriage Equality and the New Parenthood,” 129 Harvard Law Review 1185 (2016); and “Conscience Wars: Complicity-Based Conscience Claims in Religion and Politics,” 124 Yale Law Journal 2516 (2015), with Reva Siegel.

Content by Author

Cakes and the Conscience Wars

Cakes and the Conscience Wars

Last week, the U.K. Supreme Court heard argument in Lee v. Ashers Baking Company. The case involves a baker whose Christian beliefs led him to refuse to bake a cake with the phrase “Support Gay Marriage” for a gay customer. Claiming a ...
Conscience Wars and Complicity Claims

Conscience Wars and Complicity Claims

A new front is opening in the culture wars. Persons of faith are now seeking religious exemptions from laws concerning sex, reproduction, and marriage on the ground that the law makes the objector complicit in the assertedly sinful ...