Ife Thompson and Ellie McDonald and Kritika Vohra

Ife Thompson is an award-nominated UK-based Community Activist, United Nations Fellow, Black History Expert, Curator, Barrister and Writer. She has founded two civil society organisations, BLAM UK- an award-winning non-profit that provides educational, advocacy and well-being support for Black people living in Britain; and Black Protest Legal Support UK – a hub of UK based Lawyers providing pro-bono support to BLM Activists.
Ellie McDonald is the Equal Rights Trust’s Advocacy Officer, supporting equality defenders advocate for the adoption and effective implementation of comprehensive equality laws. She has a passion for integrated campaigning, having previously worked in movement-building for coalitions of international development and child rights organisations, and trade unions.
Kritika Vohra is a Bob Hepple Fellow alumna at the Equal Rights Trust. Her research interests include public law and theory, constitutional politics, gender, and ethics. She has trained at Herbert Smith Freehills, where she played a leading role in the firm's collaboration with IDIA - a charity in India that empowers students from underrepresented and disadvantaged communities by making legal education more accessible.

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Discriminatory Denial of Peaceful Assembly in the UK

Discriminatory Denial of Peaceful Assembly in the UK

“It is better to protest than to accept injustice” ― Rosa Parks In July 2020, the UN Human Rights Committee adopted General Comment No. 37 on the right to peaceful assembly, directing States to recognise the “intrinsic value” of ...