Ingrid Leijten

Ingrid Leijten is a PhD Researcher and Lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands. |Ingrid Leijten is a PhD Researcher and Lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands. |Ingrid Leijten is a PhD Researcher and Lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands. |Ingrid Leijten is a PhD Researcher and Lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands.

Content by Author

Property Rights, Pension Claims, and the Problematic Features of the ECtHR’s Proportionality Review

Property Rights, Pension Claims, and the Problematic Features of the ECtHR’s Proportionality Review

Although less mind-blowing than other recent Strasbourg judgments, the case of Stefanetti and Others v. Italy is an interesting one, especially when viewed against the backdrop of the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECtHR) earlier ...