Shona Gazidis

Shona Gazidis is a Researcher in the Constitutional Litigation Unit of the Legal Resources Centre. Her father was imprisoned and forced into exile for his role in the anti - apartheid struggle, which inspired her to work with an organisation which tackles the inequalities and injustices still present in South Africa.|Shona Gazidis is a Researcher in the Constitutional Litigation Unit of the Legal Resources Centre. Her father was imprisoned and forced into exile for his role in the anti - apartheid struggle, which inspired her to work with an organisation which tackles the inequalities and injustices still present in South Africa.|Shona Gazidis is a Researcher in the Constitutional Litigation Unit of the Legal Resources Centre. Her father was imprisoned and forced into exile for his role in the anti - apartheid struggle, which inspired her to work with an organisation which tackles the inequalities and injustices still present in South Africa.

Content by Author

The Right to Education post-2015

The Right to Education post-2015

The right to education must include standardised measures to ensure equality, quality and accountability. The future development agenda should be committed to its enforceability. These were some of the conclusions following two days ...
Implementing the Right to Education Through the Courts: The Legal Resources Centre and Oxford University Host Workshop on Remedies and Enforcement

Implementing the Right to Education Through the Courts: The Legal Resources Centre and Oxford University Host Workshop on Remedies and Enforcement

The courts are a very effective tool in enforcing socio-economic rights and filling gaps so often left by governments. The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) has litigated the right to education through the South African Courts for the past ...
Court Makes Unprecedented Step Appointing “Claims Administrator” to Ensure State Compliance with Court Order

Court Makes Unprecedented Step Appointing “Claims Administrator” to Ensure State Compliance with Court Order

A landmark judgement handed down on 12th December 2014 in the case of Linkside & Others v Minister of Education sees a “claims administrator” appointed to oversee the payment of outstanding teachers’ salaries (amounting to R81 ...
Victory in first Certified Class Action Sees Teachers Appointed and Paid

Victory in first Certified Class Action Sees Teachers Appointed and Paid

A landmark settlement agreed on 20th March 2014 in Linkside v Department of Education has consolidated the law regarding class action in South Africa, andis a significant victory in the fight to ensure children’s right to an ...