Shuchi Agrawal

Shuchi Agrawal is a fourth year BA/LLB student at Jindal Global Law School. She is keenly interested in human rights and international investment law.

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Financialisation of Housing: Balancing Commercial Interests with Human Rights

Financialisation of Housing: Balancing Commercial Interests with Human Rights

Image description: Multicoloured houses seen from above The right to adequate housing is considered to be a basic human right. It is fundamental to an individual’s sense of security and is an essential component of a stable ...
‘Social License to Operate’ as a Human Rights Safeguard Under Investment Law

‘Social License to Operate’ as a Human Rights Safeguard Under Investment Law

The concept of social license to operate (SLO) refers to the informal agreement regarding the acceptability or legitimacy of a company, operation, or industry from the perspective of the local stakeholders. It has also been defined as ...