Tania Sordo Ruz is an attorney specializing in gender and human rights. PhD in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Master in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies and Master in Lantinamerican Studies: Cultural Diversity and Social Complexity from the Autonomous University of Madrid.
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Rompiendo el silencio y sosteniendo la mirada: Mujeres denunciantes de tortura sexual en Atenco en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos emitirá, en los próximos meses, la sentencia del “Caso Atenco” relativo a la tortura sexual hacia mujeres por agentes estatales mexicanos.
El 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2017 se llevó a cabo ...
Breaking the Silence, Holding the Gaze: Women Denounce Sexual Torture in Atenco Before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
In the coming months, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights will issue its decision on the Atenco case, regarding acts of sexual torture committed against women by Mexican state agents. On November 16 and 17, 2017, a public hearing ...
Spain’s Commitment to International Human Rights Law: 26 Murdered Children Isn’t Regrettable, It’s Terrifying
On 31st July 2015, the statistics on the number of children killed at the hands of their fathers during visitation or custody in Spain rose from 24 to 26. These murders are not “regrettable,” as the Minister of Justice called them; ...
Winning Decisions in the 2014 Gender Justice Uncovered Awards
Judges from all over the world are held accountable for the decisions they issue and for how these rulings affect the lives of women and girls worldwide. This post considers the court decisions recognized by the jury and the public ...
Decisiones ganadoras de los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2014
Resumen: Las juezas y los jueces en todo el mundo han rendido cuentas de las decisiones que toman y cómo estas afectan la vida de mujeres y niñas. Esta publicación señala las decisiones que han sido premiadas por hacer avanzar o ...
Jueces y juezas rinden cuenta por las decisiones que toman
Como un canal de diálogo entre la sociedad civil y los sistemas de justicia, Women’s Link promueve los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto cada año, mostrando la necesidad de que la justicia con perspectiva de género sea una ...
How can Judges be Held Accountable?
Each year, operating as a channel of communication between society and legal systems, Women’s Link Worldwide organises the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards, demonstrating how justice with gender perspective must be a reality around the ...