The International Rounds of the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition are being jointly organised by the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights at the University of Oxford. The Moot, which aims to cultivate interest in contemporary issues surrounding the freedom of expression, privacy, and media law, will take place at Oxford from 8 to 12 April, 2019.
We are expecting approximately 40 teams from a diverse range of countries (including India, China, Egypt, Lebanon, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Ukraine, France, the USA and the UK) who will argue the case before highly-qualified benches of lawyers, academics and media/information and communications technology industry practitioners.
The International Rounds of the Price Moot owes much of its smooth functioning to the members of its Organising Committee. We are keen to invite undergraduate and graduate students, who are interested in assisting us with the organisation of the international rounds of the competition. We require volunteers for logistics, media and publicity, as well as hospitality related tasks.
If you have organised or even participated in a moot before (Cuppers included!), and are keen to find out what goes on behind the scenes at one of the world’s fastest growing Moot Court Competitions, do complete this form by March 10th.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: