Call for Papers: Fundamental Rights at Work – INTRAlaw Colloquium, Aarhus University, Denmark

by | Aug 28, 2018

Dates: Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 November 2018

Early career workshop: Monday 26 November 2018

Fundamental rights at work

The aim of the colloquium is to bring together researchers with an interest in fundamental rights in an EU or international law perspective and researchers with an interest in labour and employment law.

The colloquium gives an opportunity for researchers from different disciplines to investigate the common theme of fundamental rights at the workplace. The colloquium will allow researchers to share and discuss research, engage in constructive discussions, create new networks, improve current research and gather inspiration for research projects. The colloquium allows for valuable contributions to the scholarly debate in general and on the theme in particular.

Early career researchers will enjoy an additional opportunity to meet, discuss and receive feedback to current research within the topic, as an early career workshop precedes the colloquium.

The overall thematic and inter-disciplinary aim

Focus is on the interplay and avenues of influence of EU fundamental rights and international human rights on national labour law systems, and how national labour law systems have adopted and applied rights originating from outside the national rulemaking mechanisms. This plays out in the delicate sphere of access to employment and security in employment, where the economic interests of the employer meet the individual rights of the employee.

Much research has already been carried out in this field from a labour law perspective, from an EU law perspective and from a human rights perspective. This colloquium aims to combine these three perspectives under a shared investigative umbrella. The colloquium thus aims to bring together scholars from different legal disciplines in order to discuss common phenomena from their respective viewpoints. This allows for examination and discussion of theoretic differences and alignments, for investigation of gaps and overlaps, as well as highlighting areas of progress and potential avenues forward.

The colloquium will be structured around general panel presentations as well as parallel workshops with papers presented by and discussed among the participants.

Panels and workshops:

Panels: See our website:

Parallel workshops:

We invite abstracts of projects and full papers to be presented and discussed in parallel workshops relating to one or more of the following 5 themes:

  1. Freedom of association, the right to negotiate collectively and the right to strike
  2. Privacy at work, the right of employees to enjoy private life and correspondence inside and outside work-situations
  3. Freedom of expression and sanctioning of employees for expressions inside and outside work-situations
  4. Right to non-discrimination regarding certain criteria, e.g. gender and gender identity, age, race, religion and belief, disability, sexual orientation, political orientation.
  5. Right to protection from harassment at work

Abstracts of projects and full papers are encouraged to focus on the interplay between European or international norms and national labour markets. This could e.g. be norms promoted in EU treaties, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, EU directives, the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Social Charter, ILO Conventions, UN Human Rights Conventions including UN Conventions preventing discrimination on certain grounds. Submissions could examine issues of correspondence, of implementation, procedure or enforcement and could investigate theories on monism, dualism or pluralism and their influences on the national adaptation.

Abstracts of projects and full papers addressing matters and pitching research ideas regarding interrelation of legal instruments within any of the 5 themes are welcomed. We encourage academics at all career levels to make a submission.

Early career workshop:

Early career academics will have an additional opportunity to engage in the early career workshop. The early career workshop will focus in particular on methodological issues. The format allows early career academics to have their work discussed by a senior researcher and a small group of peers.

PhD students and Postdocs are invited to submit abstracts of projects or full papers relating to European fundamental rights, human rights and employment. Projects can relate to one or more of the themes of the colloquium.


We invite abstracts (max. 500 words) to be send to with a link to your research profile. Please indicate, if you aim to participate in the early career workshop. The deadline for abstract submission is October 1, 2018. Results will be released on October 15, 2018.

Important dates:

August 2018: Registrations open

1 October 2018: Deadline for submission of abstracts

15 October 2018: Papers selected

18 November 2018: Submission of full papers/presentations/extended abstracts for presentation

18 November 2018: Last day of registration

26-28 November 2018: Dates of colloquium



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