Call for Papers: ILS Law College Pune India in Collaboration with University of Leeds International conference on “Exploring Titanic Shifts in the Human Rights Paradigm after the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”

by | Dec 16, 2019

ILS Law College Equal Opportunity Cum Enabling Cell in Collaboration with Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds (Uk) announces a one-day International Conference on “Exploring Titanic Shifts in the Human Rights Paradigm after the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”

Date: 20th JANUARY 2020

Venue: ILS Law College Campus, Pune                                                


The United Nations convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities (UNCRPD) has generated a titanic shift in the International Human Rights law regime. It has problematised notions of human beings as self-reliant and self-contained beings and disrupted the dichotomy between civil and political rights, on the one hand, and socio-cultural and economic rights on the other.  Although Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) require support for exercising their capacities, this does not imply that they are diminished beings. Interdependence through support, to quote Prof. Amita Dhanda, “allows a person to admit deficits without feeling diminished.” (Dhanda 2008) In other words, the idea that  physical and mental impairment should be used to label PWDs as lesser Human beings has been clearly questioned. Under the UNCRPD, the default premise is that, through appropriate support,  every human being should have the chance to flourish and thrive.

This titanic shift has been achieved, in part, by the UNCRPD’s embrace of ideas such as ‘Reasonable accommodation’, ‘Accessibility’, ‘Universal design’, ‘Equal legal capacity’, ‘Independent living’ and ‘transformative equality’. These developments are attracting attention, including through scholarship in evolving fields such as ‘comparative international human rights’.  (see eg Waddington and Lawson  2018)

The UNCRPD presents clear challenges to prevalent notions of ableism (Kumari Campbell 2009). It calls  for respect for difference and the acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity.

Against this backdrop, the conference will provide a forum for exploring, in the Indian context, the implications of the conceptual shifts associated with the UNCRPD. We hope to generate discussion of issues such as reasonable accommodation, accessibility, access to justice and transformative equality. We welcome  abstracts which contain original and creative ideas relevant to the conference theme and the sessions below. Only abstracts selected by the conference organisers will be presented as papers in the conference.


Time Details
9.30 am to 10.00 am Welcome
10.00 am to 11.30 am Plenary session One – Implications of India’s Ratification of the UNCRPD, with particular focus on the Right to Access Justice
11.30 am to 11.45 Tea Break
11.45 am to 1.15 pm Plenary session Two – Interface Between the Right to Reasonable Accommodation and the Right to Accessibility
1.15 pm to 2.15 pm Lunch Break
2.15 pm to 3.45 pm Plenary session Three – The Right to Legal Capacity
3.45 pm to 4.15 pm Tea Break
4.15 pm to 5.45 pm  Presentation of Short-listed papers



  1. Please register and pay the registration fees to confirm your participation.
  2. Abstracts can only be submitted if you also register and pay for attendance.
  3. In order to register as a student, your College/ University Photo ID card is required.

Abstracts, which should not exceed 500 words, should be submitted before 23 December by email to with the subject “Research Paper Abstract-International conference on disability”.

1. Abstracts should include the following: 

  • Name and contact details of author and co-author if any;
  • Central idea of the research theme and the core arguments;
  • Order of the sections in the paper

2. Abstracts (and subsequent papers) should be in MS Word format with Times New Roman font on A4 size paper and 1” margin on all side, font size 12 and line spacing of 1.5.

3. Citations must be in the form of footnotes and conform to the latest edition of ILI style (

 Details of how to Register

  • The registration fee is not refundable.
  • Registration Fee (Incl. GST, Covers- Conference kit, Refreshment, Participation certificate)
ILS students INR 360/-
Non- ILS Students INR 600/-
Professionals INR 1770/-
International Students INR 3,550/-
International Professionals INR 5,950/-


  • Registration does not cover travel and accommodation, and these costs must be borne by participants.
  • Accommodation may be provided on request but will be subject to payment. Please send requests to with subject “Request for Accommodation”.
  • Single occupancy (Attached WC) Rs 999/- (per day) (excluding food)
  • Double occupancy (Attached WC) Rs 750/- (per day) (excluding food)

To register and pay 

Bank Details

Bank Name: Bank of India

Bank Account Name: ILS Law College

Bank Address: Deccan Gymkhana Branch, PMT Building, Pune, Maharashtra 411004

Type of Account: Current

Account Number: 11100349321

IFSC Code: SBIN0001110

Branch Code: 01110R126

Swift Code: SBININBB218



Registration fees do not include bank remittance charges and these will need to be met by participants.

Please mention your name and address while remitting your fee and instruct your banker to mention it in the remittance letter to India.

Important Dates

Last date for submission of Abstract 23 December 2019
Notification for shortlisted Abstracts Within 7 days from submission of abstract
Last date for registration 15 January 2020


For queries and clarifications Contact

E-mail to:

or call student volunteers

Varad Kolhe +91 9503453510

C.V. Rajmohan +91 8547547050

Nihar Chitre +91 9757135410


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