The Council for European Studies (CES) at Columbia University invites proposal submissions for the 26th International Conference of Europeanists on the themes of Sovereignties in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe. The conference will be held at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid on June 20-22, 2019.
Conference Information:
Sovereignty is at the crux of current developments in Europe and at the center of political debate—of which the 2016 referendum on Brexit is just one example. The claim to regain national sovereignty vis-a-vis EU policy-making is common to populist movements throughout Europe today, and it currently dominates the rhetoric of the national governments of Hungary and Poland as well. Anxieties about sovereignty are also key to understanding the demands put forward by regional entities such as Scotland, Catalonia, and Lombardy.
These fights for new forms of sovereignty – or the restoration of old ones – are surprising, even bewildering, to those who imagined that the process of European integration would render the concept of sovereignty obsolete. Yet recent developments clearly show that sovereignty again has become a crucial concept in political, social and cultural fields. It is increasingly invoked not only by regions, nations, and Europe itself, but also by minority populations, marginalized groups, and even individuals as the reason justifying their claims of self-governance, emancipation, or political empowerment.
Recent developments and the material challenges that complicate them – globalization, the digital revolution, mobility – call upon us to reflect on the motives, polities, concepts, and rhetorics of sovereignty more profoundly and, given the complexity of the challenges, to seek fresh approaches that transcend disciplinary boundaries. “Sovereignties in Contention in Europe: Nations, Regions and Citizens” aims to provide an opportunity to bridge the gap between different models for the study of sovereignty: from a governmental and institutional perspective to looking at bottom-up processes, from socio-economic and legal aspects to questions of identity, nationhood, and historical memory.
Submission Information:
We particularly welcome proposals in these areas, including cross-thematic and interdisciplinary papers, as well as proposals in other areas relevant to contemporary Europe.
Proposals may be submitted from August 10 to October 5, 2018. Priority will be given to panel submissions. Participants will be notified of the Program Committee’s decision by December 14, 2018.
Information on how to submit proposals will be posted on the CES website and disseminated through its newsletter. To subscribe to the CES newsletter visit: For information on how to submit a proposal, please consult the Submission Help page or our newsletter.