Over the past years, China’s role in global climate negotiations has become ever more crucial and controversial. While these years have also seen the ethical debate on global climate policy grow and flourish, the debate has engaged surprisingly little in a global dialogue. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we welcome Prof. Huan Qingzhi, a leading scholar working at the Centre for Environmental Politics Research (Peking University). He will present his views on China’s role in global climate policy. Rana Mitter (Oxford China Centre) and Benito Mueller (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies) will provide inputs and there will be plenty of space for discussion with the audience. This is a public event and all are warmly invited. For further details on the seminar, please click here.
Date: September 23
Time: 3-4.30pm
Venue: Oxford Martin School (34 Broad Street, Oxford)
Organised and Supported by:
The Oxford Martin Programme for Human Rights of Future Generations
Reading Ethics and Political Philosophy
The Universities China Committee in London
The Research Support Fund of the Law Faculty, Oxford University