Friday in Focus: Claire Overman

by | May 11, 2018

After five years studying at Oxford (BA Law with Law in Europe 2008-12, BCL 2012-13), it was with a heavy heart that I left for London in 2013, although I looked forward to beginning my training for a career at the Bar.  So naturally, when Laura Hilly asked me whether I wanted to be involved with an exciting new project called the Oxford Human Rights Hub, I leapt at the chance to continue to foster the great international human rights dialogues that I’d been so used to during my studies.

It was fantastic to watch the Hub go from strength to strength under the vision of Sandy Fredman, Laura and the other members of the diverse and dynamic team of which I was a part.  My role as one of our editors exposed me to interesting, high-quality posts on a huge range of subjects, and allowed me to engage with policy-makers, practitioners and academics from around the world.  I was particularly thrilled to co-author and co-edit the Hub’s inaugural annual report, “Global Perspectives on Human Rights,” in 2014.

I remain in London, where I now practise as a barrister in media, communications and information law at One Brick Court.  The areas in which I practise often engage rights and freedoms under Articles 8 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.  I continue to write for the Hub when I can, on topics such as the so-called “right to be forgotten” and the tension between Arts 8 and 10, and often check in to keep up with the latest global developments in other areas of human rights law.

Just last month, I had the opportunity to visit South Africa’s Constitutional Court.  My visit was hugely enriching, and reminded me of the value that a comparative perspective can add to the study and practice of human rights law.  I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to develop this perspective at the OxHRH, and to remain a part of such a vibrant international community.

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