Governing Global Climate Change: Potential and Prospects of a Paris ‎Accord – International Symposium, University of Cambridge

by | Nov 27, 2015

Governing Global Climate Change: Potential and Prospects of a Paris ‎Accord – International Symposium -‎ Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

8:30 – 18:00 / 28 November 2015

What global climate regime may be agreed in the 21st UN ‎Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties? How to foster sustainable landscapes governance, and implement future legal and policy reforms for the low-carbon economy? What is the future of climate change litigation, and how to realise human rights for climate justice?

In the context of the negotiations for a new Paris accord, there is an exciting international symposium on the law and governance of climate change in the academic halls of the LCIL, 5 Cranmer Road, University of Cambridge Faculty of Law. Join climate negotiators, law-makers, experts, academics and students to debate crucial law and governance challenges. A rich and fascinating programme includes

* Mr. James Cameron, Chairman (Overseas Development Institute)
* Ms. Bianca Jagger, President (Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation) tbc
* Dr. Andrew Wardell, Senior Manager (Centre for International Forestry
* Prof. Ying-Shih Hsieh, Chairman (Environmental Quality Protection Foundation of Taiwan)
* Dr. Marie-Claire Cordonier, Senior Director (CISDL) & Affiliated Fellow (LCIL)
* Dr. Oonagh Fitzgerald, Director (ILRP, Centre for International Governance Innovation)
* Prof. Christina Voigt, University of Oslo Faculty of Law and Senior Research Fellow (CISDL) tbc
* Dr. Markus Gehring, Cambridge Law Faculty, Lead Counsel (CISDL) and Fellow (LCIL)
* Prof. Jorge Viñuales, Cambridge Land Economy Dept, Director and Fellow (C-EENRG)
* Prof. Sumudu Attapattu, University of Wisconsin, Human Rights Lead Counsel (CISDL)
* Prof Eduardo Chiriziane, Eduardo Mondlane University; Managing Partner, Legalline & Partner of Chiziane, Jeque & Advogados Associados

Opening Plenary: Debate the potential of the new global climate change regime and potential of international measures for climate change mitigation, resilience and finance.

Experts Roundtables:
(i) human rights for climate justice
(ii) legal frameworks for sustainable landscapes

Luncheon Book Launches:
* Prof. Sumudu Atapattu’s new book titled Human Rights Approaches to Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge 2015) &
* Prof Thomas Cottier (Professor & former Managing Director, World Trade Institute, University of Bern) The Quest for Distributive Justice in International Law: Equitable Principles of Maritime Boundary Delimitation (CUP, 2015)

Afternoon Plenary: Share how to make climate legislation work ‎on the ground – the challenges, the innovations and the solutions.

Legal Experts Panels & Roundtables:
(iii) legal tools for the low-carbon economy
(iv) climate loss and damage, liability and compensation
(v) governance of REDD+ and sustainable forests
(vi) strategies for climate litigation

Closing Roundtable: Deliberate the future climate law and governance research and action agenda.

Venue: Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (LCIL), Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge (5 Cranmer Rd, Cambridge UK CN3 9LB).

Register here. Please hurry, as seats are limited.

For details: Please contact Francesse Joy J. Cordon, Associate Fellow and International Law on Sustainable Development Project Coordinator of CISDL at or check the CISDL website at

Hosts: The Centre for International Sustainable ‎Development Law (CISDL), the Lauterpacht C‎entre for International Law (LCIL) and the Centre for Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Governance (C-EENRG) of the University of Cambridge, the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), West Coast Environmental Law (WCEL), the Environmental Quality Protection Foundation (EQPF), the Centre for Climate Justice – Bangladesh, and a consortium of leading law faculties and institutes from across the world.

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