Introducing the OxHRH Blog’s New Editors!

by | Jan 13, 2015

The Oxford Human Rights Hub Blog is delighted to announce the appointment of two new Editors to our team.  Heather McRobie and Richard Martin join the Editorial team this week and will work with our contributors to continue to bring cutting edge human rights law news and analysis via the Oxford Human Rights Hub Blog.  Welcome aboard, Heather and Richard!

Heather McRobie

Heather is a final year DPhil student in Socio-Legal Studies, where she studies Egypt’s constitutions since the 2011 revolution.  Her research interests include constitution-drafting, transitional justice processes, particularly in the Middle East and Balkan regions, and the role of constitutions in transitional justice.  She has a BA in Modern History and Politics from the University of Oxford, and Master’s degree in Human Rights and Democracy from the University of Sarajevo and University of Bologna, and her final dissertation on freedom of expression in literature, and literary hate speech, was published as a short book, ‘Literary Freedom’, in 2013.  She has also worked as an editor at openDemocracy, and as a freelance journalist in the Balkans and the Middle East, as well as working at various human rights organisations.

Richard Martin

Richard is conducting his DPhil at the the Law Faculty’s Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford, analyzing human rights law and practice within the police, and its connection with police legitimacy, within post-conflict Northern Ireland.  Criminal justice and connected legal issues are an area which Richard had been interested in throughout his studies, having spent valuable time with the Committee on the Administration of Justice (Belfast), as well as the Northern Irish Departmental Solicitor’s Office, the Department of Justice and Legal Services for the Stormont Assembly.  During his DPhil, Richard has published on criminal law, law of evidence and policing and been involved as a researcher and co-writer on projects investigating the ways in which mounted police work is experienced in the UK, funded by the ESRC, and public confidence in the police, funded by the Northern Ireland Policing Board.  Before commencing his DPhil, Richard graduated with first class honours in Law from the University of Bristol and arrived at the Centre for Criminology in 2012 to study for the MSc. in Criminology and Criminal Justice.

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