Laureate Visiting Fellowships in Comparative Constitutional Law

by | Feb 20, 2017

Applications are invited from suitably qualified female doctoral and early career scholars to participate in the Laureate Program in Comparative Constitutional Law at Melbourne Law School during 2017.


The Laureate Visiting Fellowships in Constitutional Law offers outstanding female doctoral and female early career researchers the opportunity to participate in an intensive mentoring program relative to the Laureate Program with Professor Adrienne Stone, ARC Kathleen Fitzpatrick Australian Laureate Fellow, for up to two months; and includes involvement in events, workshops and conferences. The inaugural Melbourne Institute for Comparative Constitutional Law conference will be held in Melbourne, 28 November – 1 December 2017. Applicants are encouraged to consider timing their proposed program to include this event.

Funding of up to $3000 is available for Laureate Visiting Fellows in Constitutional Law, towards the costs of travel to, and accommodation in, Melbourne.  Visiting fellows from outside Australia are responsible for obtaining and funding any necessary visas.

The Laureate Visiting Fellowships in Comparative Constitutional is supported by the Kathleen Fitzpatrick Fellowship Scheme and funded by the Australian Research Council, annually from 2016 – 2021.


Applicants for the Doctoral Laureate Visiting Fellowships in Comparative Constitutional Law must be currently enrolled in doctoral study on a topic related to the work of the Laureate Program.

Applicants for the Postdoctoral Laureate Visiting Fellowships in Comparative Constitutional Law must have been awarded a PhD in a related field within the past ten years.

Applications must include the following:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Statement (maximum 1000 words) outlining the applicant’s research and how participation in the Laureate program will be of benefit
  • Letter of reference
  • Proposed dates of the visit in 2017

Letters of application should be addressed to Professor Adrienne Stone and submitted with attachments to


Applications Submission Open:  13 Feb 2017
Applications Submission Close:  12 March 2017
Notification of Acceptance:  30 March 2017


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