On December 8 and 9th, the Legal Resources Centre held a two day workshop on the challenges of remedies and enforcement in the context of the right to education in Oxford.
The Legal Resource Centre is an independent, client-based, non-profit public interest law clinic based in South Africa. They provide legal services for the vulnerable and marginalised, including the poor, homeless, and landless people and communities of South Africa who suffer discrimination by reason of race, class, gender, disability or by reason of social, economic, and historical circumstances.
The workshop drew together academics and practitioners working on the right to education. There were representatives from the Legal Resources Centre (South Africa), Chance for Children Foundation (Hungary), Centre for Civil and Human Rights (Slovakia), Equal Opportunities Initiative Association (Bulgaria), Right to Education Project (UK), Open Society Foundations (USA), Canon Collins Educational and Legal Assistance Trust (UK), Kings College London and Oxford University.
During the two days there were fruitful comparisons on remedies and enforcement methods in different jurisdictions. There was a sharing of best practices and discussions on the challenges and problems that remain. The workshop and discussions identified new ways forward to fully implementing the right to education.