
Combatting Femicide in Latin America: The Urgent Need for a Stronger Legal Framework

Combatting Femicide in Latin America: The Urgent Need for a Stronger Legal Framework

In March 2023, an Argentine court convicted two men for the 2016 rape and murder of 16-year-old Lucia Perez, a pivotal case in the Ni Una Menos movement against violence...
Forgotten and Forsaken Victims: The Perpetual Tragedy of Women in Warfare

Forgotten and Forsaken Victims: The Perpetual Tragedy of Women in Warfare

Amidst persistent tension and growing conflict in the Middle East and in Ukraine, videos of the atrocities faced by women are being widely circulated on social media. These events have...
India’s Women’s Reservation Bill: Breaking the Political Glass Ceiling

India’s Women’s Reservation Bill: Breaking the Political Glass Ceiling

India’s social fabric is complex and diverse, and women’s ability to realise substantive equality in this environment has long been of concern to advocates for social justice. In particular, the...
A Blueprint for the World: How Karnataka’s Shakti and Gruha Lakshmi Schemes Elevate Women’s Economic Rights

A Blueprint for the World: How Karnataka’s Shakti and Gruha Lakshmi Schemes Elevate Women’s Economic Rights

Karnataka, through its state government schemes, has taken proactive steps towards ensuring women’s welfare and equity. Among the five key schemes, the Shakti and the Gruha Lakshmi Scheme are particularly...
Silencing the Indigenous Voice: How Australians Have Failed Their Own People Part II

Silencing the Indigenous Voice: How Australians Have Failed Their Own People Part II

The first part of this blog series addressed the background to the referendum and the Constitution of Australia, including how it derives from racially discriminatory beliefs which would later be...
Silencing the Indigenous Voice: How Australians Have Failed Their Own People Part I

Silencing the Indigenous Voice: How Australians Have Failed Their Own People Part I

Last week’s failed referendum affirms the deep-seated racial prejudice embedded in Australia’s public institutions, and demonstrates how this marginalisation continues to be perpetrated by the Australian populace more broadly. Following...
Queensland’s Suspension of Human Rights Act for Youth Detention

Queensland’s Suspension of Human Rights Act for Youth Detention

The state government of Queensland in Australia has suspended its Human Rights Act, paving the way for the indefinite confinement of children, some as young as 10 years, in police...
Giving Voice to the Vulnerable: How Advisory Opinions Have the Potential to Advance Climate Justice through International Courts

Giving Voice to the Vulnerable: How Advisory Opinions Have the Potential to Advance Climate Justice through International Courts

In the context of the current climate crisis, climate change litigation has taken a new form over the past year. There have been increasing requests for advisory opinions from international...
Minority v Minority Only Benefits the Privileged

Minority v Minority Only Benefits the Privileged

The US Supreme Court’s decision Students for Fair Admissions v Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College (2023) dealt a blow to substantive equality in education. The petition claimed that providing...
Horizontal Reservation for India’s Transgender Community: Can the Supreme Court Deliver?

Horizontal Reservation for India’s Transgender Community: Can the Supreme Court Deliver?

India’s queer community is struggling to realise its civil rights on multiple fronts. The Indian Supreme Court has begun hearing petitions on marriage equality from a panoply of petitioners, including...
Equality Doesn’t Always Mean Integration: The Right to Education for Neurodiverse People

Equality Doesn’t Always Mean Integration: The Right to Education for Neurodiverse People

Image Description: A young woman with pink hair is tossing her head in joy. Proponents of the rights of people with disabilities widely subscribe to the social model of disability:...

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