Right to Education

A Blueprint for the World: How Karnataka’s Shakti and Gruha Lakshmi Schemes Elevate Women’s Economic Rights

A Blueprint for the World: How Karnataka’s Shakti and Gruha Lakshmi Schemes Elevate Women’s Economic Rights

Karnataka, through its state government schemes, has taken proactive steps towards ensuring women’s welfare and equity. Among the five key schemes, the Shakti and the Gruha Lakshmi Scheme are particularly...
US Affirmative Action Series

US Affirmative Action Series

On 29 June 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States, in a majority decision, held that race-based affirmative action programs in college admissions processes violate the Equal Protection Clause...
Minority v Minority Only Benefits the Privileged

Minority v Minority Only Benefits the Privileged

The US Supreme Court’s decision Students for Fair Admissions v Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College (2023) dealt a blow to substantive equality in education. The petition claimed that providing...
The Miseries of Juvenile Prisoners of Bangladesh

The Miseries of Juvenile Prisoners of Bangladesh

Juvenile prisons in Bangladesh are effectively torture cells for teenage offenders. Known as juvenile development centres (JDC), the facilities of these institutions are chronically insufficient: overcrowded and understaffed, with poor...
A Landmark Victory for Freedom of Religion in Kenya: The Court of Appeal’s Judgment in Phillip Okoth and LSK v BOM, St Anne’s Primary Ahero

A Landmark Victory for Freedom of Religion in Kenya: The Court of Appeal’s Judgment in Phillip Okoth and LSK v BOM, St Anne’s Primary Ahero

In a ground-breaking decision, the Court of Appeal at Kisumu delivered a judgment that carries far-reaching implications for the protection of freedom of religion in Kenya. The case of Phillip...
OxHRH Publishes Workbook on the Right to Education

OxHRH Publishes Workbook on the Right to Education

The Oxford Human Rights Hub has published its first Human Rights Workbook on the topic of the Right to Education. The OxHRH Workbook is designed to provide an introduction to...
The Inadequacy of India’s Integrated Child Protection Scheme In Responding to Juvenile Delinquency

The Inadequacy of India’s Integrated Child Protection Scheme In Responding to Juvenile Delinquency

India’s Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) is a centrally sponsored scheme for children in need of care and protection, first implemented in 2009. THE ICPS ostensibly adopts a preventative approach...
Commentary on the Abidjan Principles on the Right to Education

Commentary on the Abidjan Principles on the Right to Education

The Guiding Principles on the human rights obligations of states to provide public education and to regulate private involvement in education (the Abidjan Principles) were adopted on 13 February 2019...
Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 3: Unveiling the Need for an Intersectional Approach

Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 3: Unveiling the Need for an Intersectional Approach

This post continues the analysis of the ban on hijabs within the classroom in Karnataka, India (see also Part One and Part Two). Intersectional discrimination is at the core of...
Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 2: The Irrelevant Relevance of Essential Religious Practices Test

Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 2: The Irrelevant Relevance of Essential Religious Practices Test

This blog continues Part 1 of the exploration of the Karnataka hijab case. The question of whether the wearing of hijabs is an essential religious practice (ERP) for Muslim women...
Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 1: An Unveiling

Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 1: An Unveiling

This is a 3-part blog on the Hijab ban case in India. Part 1 traces the journey of the Hijab ban order, from the first incident in Udupi to the...
UN Member States Vote to Oust Iran from the UN Commission of the Status of Women

UN Member States Vote to Oust Iran from the UN Commission of the Status of Women

Image description: Iran solidarity protest in Berlin, October 22, 2022. On December 14th, 2022, Iran became the first United Nations (UN) member state ousted during its 4-year elected term on...

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