Rohingya Refugees at Risk of Re-Persecution in India
Image description: Group of Rohingya adults and children sit on the ground beneath a makeshift shelter Forced deportation in the face of imminent threat of persecution violates the inalienable right...
Negocios y derechos humanos: “El primer informe de Asesoría Jurídica del mundo” establece las responsabilidades legales internacionales en las instituciones de trasplante médico y sus profesionales para evitar la posible complicidad en atrocidades masivas ocultas
Descripción de la imagen: Cirujanos y enfermeras en un quirófano durante un procedimiento El tráfico de órganos, la sustracción forzada de órganos y el trasplante de órganos no ético son...
Les entreprises et les droits de l’Homme : « World-first Legal Advisory Report » détermine les responsabilités juridiques internationales des institutions de transplantation médicale et de leurs professionnels pour éviter une éventuelle complicité dans des atrocités de masse cachées
Description de l’image : Chirurgiens et infirmières photographiés dans une salle d’opération lors d’une intervention Le trafic d’organes, les prélèvements forcés d’organes et les transplantations d’organes non éthiques sont des...
International Legal Responsibilities of Medical Transplantation Institutions
Image description: Surgeons and nurses pictured in an operating theatre during a procedure Organ trafficking, forced organ harvesting and unethical organ transplantation are global issues. A worldwide shortage of organs...
Demolitions in Muslim neighborhood in Delhi are unconstitutional
Image description: Bulldozers demolishing buildings in Kolkata, India in January 2020. On 20 April 2022, the homes and shops of people in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood in Delhi began to...
Nuclear Threats Prevent South Korea from Ratifying the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
Image description: Members of the South Korean army marching in formation Last month, the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) fundamental Forced Labour Convention 29 of 1932 went into effect in the...
COVID-19, Care Homes and the Right to Life: A Hollow Victory for Human Rights?
In a high-profile judgment, the High Court found that the British Government’s decision to discharge hospital patients into care homes at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic was unlawful as...
Russian Aggression in Ukraine and The Right to Life at War
Image description: Many soldiers with guns, and a Ukrainian flag in the background. In times of war, especially distant war, human lives start being counted by the hundreds. People...
To Eat or Not to Eat: Analysing the Constitutionality of the Meat Bans in Gujarat
Image description: A person holding an egg against the background of a stack of eggs. Recently, the Municipal Corporation of Ahmedabad (India) banned street vendors from selling meat, fish and...
Pushing the Bioethical Envelope: Rethinking the Rights of Part-Human Chimeric Embryos
Image description: Different equipment, including test tubes and petri dishes, at a laboratory. On 15 April 2021, a team of scientists from the U.S., China and Spain created the first...
Justice behind closed doors? Extrajudicial killings, Closed Material Proceedings, and Investigatory Obligations under the ECHR
The on-going case R (Saifullah) v Secretary of State for Defence is a judicial review case concerning the Ministry of Defence’s alleged failure to conduct prompt and effective investigations into...
Afghanistan Crisis and Inadequate Indian Refugee Policy
The speed with which the Taliban seized Afghanistan as American forces withdrew has plunged Afghanistan into a humanitarian crisis. Major countries have swiftly responded to this humanitarian crisis. For example,...