Closing the gender pay gap is not proving to be a linear process as the changing environment is resulting in constantly moving goalposts. This article, therefore, focuses on identifying institutional arrangements and policies that may promote an environment conducive to gender pay equity. A review of institutional mechanisms and outcomes in wage setting, covering legal, collective and voluntary initiatives, finds that such an environment involves three characteristics, namely: labour market inclusiveness in order to narrow not widen overall wage inequalities; policies to generate the political will to achieve gender equality, which may require aligning gender pay equality issues with wider progressive equality agendas; and more transparent systems of wage setting and outcomes. The contention that gender pay equality is more likely to be achieved in more inclusive labour markets and societies also implies that there are strong interactions across policy domains and mechanisms; action on one front may not be successful if it is not supported by complementary policies and reinforcing mechanisms. Four main policy areas are identified and discussed: these are aimed at extending regulatory coverage, raising minimum standards, promoting fairness and developing more proactive and holistic mechanisms of implementation, for example through a ‘gender duty’.
**The other articles in the first edition of the U of OxHRH J can be found here**