Post Doctoral Position at Utrecht University on EU Gender Equality Law

by | Apr 2, 2018

Job description
European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination

The Utrecht University Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance seeks to fill a position for a postdoctoral researcher in the field of EU gender equality law. The successful candidate will be part of the coordination team of the gender stream of the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination. This Network provides independent information and advice to the European Commission on equality and non-discrimination developments in 35 European countries (the EU Member States, EFTA countries and four EU candidate countries). The primary task of the Network is to gather reliable expert information on legislation, case law and national developments to enable the Commission to fulfil their role as guardian of the treaties.

The Network consists of 35 national gender equality law experts, and 35 non-discrimination law experts. It is jointly managed by Human European Consultancy (general coordination), Migration Policy Group (coordination non-discrimination stream), and Utrecht University (coordination gender equality stream). At Utrecht University, it is coordinated by a tight-knit team consisting of Dr. Susanne Burri (specialist coordinator), Dr. Alexandra Timmer (acting specialist coordinator) and Franka van Hoof LL.M (research editor), as well as Professor Linda Senden and Professor Frans Pennings who are senior experts in the Network. The postdoc will join this team.

Every year the Network publishes thematic reports on current topics of EU gender equality law. Recent reports concerned gender balanced company boards and gender equality and the collaborative economy. The Network also produces the bi-annual European Equality Law Review, as well as general country reports providing a comprehensive overview of the implementation of EU gender equality law at the national level. For more information about the Network and the full-texts of its reports, please visit:

This position provides an excellent opportunity for the postdoc to expand his or her network, to gain coordination skills, and to gain first-hand knowledge of current developments in EU gender equality law.

Tasks of the postdoc
We look for an enthusiastic scholar to play an important role in the coordination of the gender equality stream of the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination.

The postdoc will keep an overview of all the activities and deliverables of the gender stream of the Network in close collaboration with the acting specialist coordinator in gender equality. This involves communicating effectively with both the Network’s coordination team and the 35 national gender equality experts, as well as the European Commission.

The postdoc will be involved in all steps of the development of the Network’s reports, from outlining the topics of new reports, to drafting questionnaires, and providing feedback on draft reports.

An important task of the postdoc will be to help attract funding for the continuation of the Network and funding for other research projects.

The postdoc will conduct research related to topics of gender equality law, and publish the results.

The postdoc will participate in the organization of research activities and events, such as conferences, workshops and joint publications.


· a completed dissertation in the field of EU, human rights, constitutional or labour law on a topic related to gender equality

· affinity with multidisciplinary gender-related research is an asset;

· team-player, with good communication skills;

· excellent command of English, both verbal and written English; command of Dutch and/or French is an asset;

· experience working in international or European research projects is an asset;

· experience applying for external research funding is an asset.

The appointment is in principle 0,8 FTE for a period of one year, to start as soon as possible (preferably May 2018). An appointment of 1,0 FTE could be negotiated. Extension of the contract depends on the continued availability of funds and performance of the candidate. The salary for a full time appointment is maximum € 3.475 gross (scale 11.0 Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities). Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and a year-end allowance of 8.3% per year. We offer a pension scheme, collective insurance schemes and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). More information is available at: working at Utrecht University.
About the organisation
A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major societal themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability. Utrecht University is well-connected to society and contributes to todays and tomorrows societal challenges.


The Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance includes three departments: Utrecht University School of Law (USL), the Utrecht School of Governance (USG); the Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.).


The School of Law has provided quality research and education for more than 350 years. Constant innovation has enabled the School to maintain its leading position. Top-ranking research is conducted in all important legal fields: private law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law and international law. Researchers collaborate intensively with foreign partners, mainly from the angle of European and comparative law. The School of Law also conducts contract research and consultancy for other organisations.

Additional information

To discuss this post informally, please contact the acting specialist coordinator gender equality of the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination: Dr. Alexandra Timmer (, +31(0)30 253 8554.


Work Environment

he postdoc will be based at the Law School of Utrecht University in the Netherlands, at the Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law (UCERF). Additionally, the postdoc could also participate in Utrecht University’s newly created interdisciplinary platform Gender and Diversity: Building an Inclusive Society and the Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE).

To apply please use the link below and include:

·         a letter of motivation

·         a CV

·         the names and contact details of two persons, who can be contacted for a reference

·         a writing sample

Interviews will be held on Wednesday 25 April 2018.

Vacancy soon to be published on


The application deadline is



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