Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TB
RSC Public Seminar Series, Hilary Term: ‘Destination: Europe’
Convenors: Cathryn Costello and Stephanie Motz
Chair: Dr Tom Scott-Smith
Panelists: Professor Guy S Goodwin-Gill, Dr Cathryn Costello, Professor Alexander Betts, Dr Jeff Crisp, Dr Franck Düvell
On 7 March 2016, EU leaders announced a new agreement with Turkey, stating that ‘bold moves were needed to close down people smuggling routes, to break the business model of the smugglers, to protect our external borders and to end the migration crisis in Europe. We need to break the link between getting in a boat and getting settlement in Europe.’ While the details of the agreement and its implementation remain to be seen, this seminar brings together experts to examine its legality under both international and EU law, its likely efficacy and its political impact.
This seminar series complements Issue 51 of Forced Migration Review, published on 5 January 2016 and also titled ‘Destination: Europe’